At it's November 11th meeting, the Common Council approved the 2019 Budget. This budget is a balanced budget with a tax levy totaling $2,257,490. This levy is
$160,042 higher than the 2018 Budget. The assessed value tax rate for City purposes is 10.08, which is .81 cents higher than the City was operating with in 2018. The average assessed value for all homes in the City of Clintonville is approximately $80,000. The 2018 tax rate will result in a tax rate increase FOR CITY PURPOSES ONLY of approximately $65.15 on the tax bill for this average $80,000 assessed value home when compared to the previous year, however, the actual individual property owner will see a decrease in the city portion of their tax bill of $73.60 per $80,000 in assessed value. This is due to the City having closed all Tax Increment Districts last year so there will be no additional TID levy on the 2018 tax bills.
Highlights from the 2019 Budget include a 1% COLA to the new salary schedule, which was based on 2018 wage data from comparable communities, City-paid dental and visions premiums at 40% of cost, and a new staff person for the Administrative Department, which is intended to focus on ground-level economic development activities and grant applications. It also includes the use of fund balance to assist in paying the City's annual debt payments, which are primarily for capital projects.