Plan Commission

The Plan Commission consists of seven members appointed to three year terms by the Mayor who also appoints the Chairman. The Mayor may be a member along with elected or appointed officials, but at least three members must be citizen members who are not public officials.

The Plan Commission has the powers and duties prescribed by Wisconsin State Statutes and such other powers and duties as vested in the Commission from time to time by the Common Council.

Current members of the Plan Commission:

Darrell Hansen, Chairperson, Alderperson

Kody Zempel, Alderperson

Branden Schirpke, Alderperson

Tom Lederer, Alderperson

Mark Doornink, Citizen Member

Jeanine Supanich, Citizen Member

Laurie Vollrath, Citizen Member

Committee staff support provided by Caz Muske, City Administrator.

Plan Commission meetings are not held on a regular basis.  Please check with City Hall for the next meeting date and time.

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